Friday, November 30, 2012

Zumba in Nepal

Ruth and I had decided we needed to do something to get our fitness levels up (as if chasing after the kids isn't enough).  Our next door neighbour is a Zumba instructor and Ruth had heard of how good her classes were so we decided to give it a bash on a Saturday morning.  Tina, one of our current volunteers from Belgium, also joined us on this adventure.
The 3 of us were the only first timers in the class so we followed the lead of the 6 other more experienced girls and got down to business.  While we were trying to boogie along to the music some of the local children lined up at the windows to watch the show.
As the class went on a few of the kids snuck in and got their groove on as well.  We decided that the class for us was quite successful as Tina and Ruth definately felt like they had worked hard and me, well, I had time to write this blog.........

Jo Vowles
