Friday, May 17, 2013

Little Daffodil’s New Computer Room!

Last week we had our first construction volunteer Sarah from Lebanon. Sarah was with us for 1 week and came to help us refurbish the computer room at our school Little Daffodils in Pame. It was not an easy task and days were long, hot, and dirty!!
The first day was to prepare the room and there was a lot of scrubbing of the walls, moving the computers out (with the help from the students) and sweeping a very dusty floor! Lucky for us, Sarah was joined by Sanju and Hunter whose project was closed due to a festival and we could finally get some bright yellow paint on the walls. Already the room seemed 100% brighter! We called on Lovisa to help us with the mural design for the room.  Lovisa – an amazing artist - came up with a great fun and educational picture to complete the computer lab.  It was a big group effort to complete the room but we finished off the yellow then painted on the blue boarder and put the final details to the mural. Painting was complete but then came the clean-up. Now painting is always messy and it was a huge clean-up process and even Lekhnath the principal came and lent a hand! 
