Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's raining. It's pouring.

Monsoon is a bad word in the western world but in Nepal, it’s something to look forward to. Early September is the tail end of the monsoon, which means the days in Pokhara are boiling and sticky. Volunteers and children expel sweat just looking and hoping for rain.

Right now, the rain is pounding down. So hard that it’s difficult to see just two feet away. My roommate and I’ve opted to take a taxi home and due to the last minute decision we don’t have the correct change and neither does our driver (typical).
The driver has decided to solve the problem by running to a shop down the road. So I blast the song ‘Precious time’ by the Maccabees on my phone and we sit, bopping our heads, smug that we’re not the ones in the rain, because, man it’s chucking it down. But then our driver is back with our change and by the time we’re two steps away from the taxi even our underwear is soaked.

Sometimes the monsoon rains are annoying but mostly they are very welcome.
