Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Girl's Health Workshop

Pia, a volunteer from Sweden, is a midwife back home that discusses body changes with her patients and wanted to help with sharing some of her knowledge whilst here in Nepal.  Along with volunteer Kristina (a volunteer from Germany) and myself, Pia began to set up a short talk on girl’s body changes through puberty.  We organised with the staff at Little Daffodils School to borrow the girls from grades 7 to 9 for one class period each over 2 days.
Pia started each group off with a talk on how our bodies change and that it can be different for each individual.  We then split the girls into 3 groups, led each by Pia, Kristina, and I, to have a chance to discuss things in a smaller group, talk about our own personal experiences,  and for the girls to build confidence in asking us questions.

We then headed back to the class room where the volunteers and I could share with the class the information we had discussed and the questions we had been asked along with the answers we had given.
Although the girls were nervous and giggly discussing such a topic when it came to the smaller groups the girls really opened up and had plenty of questions for us.  We finished off by letting the girls know that any questions they had in the future there would always be a volunteer or staff member around for them to speak too and that we all go through it. 
