Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mobile Phones in the Classroom!

Our two Childacare volunteers that are in Nepal at the moment decided to be brave and take on some older classes at Little Daffodils.  Grades 2 to 5 are a far cry from the little tackers of the nurseries they normally work in but the girls had planned well.   Kristina and Judith added some flare to a basic English greeting conversation lesson by turning it into a phone conversation.   The girls made phones from paper cups and string and wrote out a small script for the children to practise with.  Then the kids had free rein with the phones and practising in groups.  The phone calls ranged from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and many important things were discussed, such as football, homework, travel, and school. 

Budhi, Judith, and Kristina having a chat with some phone savvy students,
Mobile phones are not a problem here with children as they seldom own one so these homemade telephones were a welcome addition to the classroom for some great English practise and a lot of fun!

No, it's not an iPhone, it's a cUp phone!
