Monday, July 22, 2013

The Aussies and the Squatty Potties

Sitting in H.E (Himalayan Encounters) writing this blog post by hand represents the way of life in Nepal where everything has a more hands on and simple approach.  Working on GVI’s construction project for the past two weeks has taught us the traditional Nepali methods for constructing squatty potties; such as sieving sand and pebbles to make cement, hand chipping away concrete walls, hand mixing cement using shovels, and tiling walls using rocks as support.

Our day normally starts with a bumpy bus ride with all the school children, some of the younger ones even nodding off whilst we are just trying not to get jolted out of our seats.

Once at school the kids are interested in what we are doing and love hanging around watching us.  Whilst we were painting the new GVI room we had to implement crowd control to keep them from touching the wet paint.  Now that it is school holidays we can safely fix up the toilets with only a few local kids providing us with entertainment.

This is a really important project for the Little Daffodils English Boarding School at Pame to improve hygiene and sanitation for the 400 + children that attend here.

Volunteers Jes & Amy  (from Australia)
