Monday, August 5, 2013

Rice Planting

On a sunny Thursday the whole of GVI Nepal’s staff and volunteers took the bumpy bus ride out to Pame Village to some of the rice fields.  We were very excited to learn from local farmers and their wives the art of traditional rice planting.

As we stood on the hill overlooking the fields we knew it was going to be a long day of hard work.  First of all the field had to be levelled.  This was done by an ox dragging a wooden plough.  A few volunteers jumped at the chance to have a go steering the ox and ended up with mud all over their clothes, but it was really fun.

The local farmers showed us down to the rice fields where we all stood in mud and learnt to plant rice.  This really gave us an insight into how much work goes into a single packet or bag of rice.
We were exhausted after planting only two fields while the farmers and their wives did so many more – they were so fast!

After so much hard work, we were lucky to be spoiled with some delicious Nepali food.  It was a really unique experience which we won’t forget – especially the fact that we all avoided getting any leeches.

Volunteers Martina and Amy
